

Creating Winners




Inspiring. Creating. Nourishing.

Exclusive Invitation to Subscribe


And Achieve The Life, Freedom, And Happiness You Deserve

We Are Dreamers Of The Day

We Don’t “Dream” And “Think” Success Will Happen... We MAKE It Happen.


Did you know that in the last few years since The Ultimate Trading Newsletter was published for the first time, over 250,000 People have subscribed this Newsletter

That means, it has helped over a quarter million Winners around the world to Trade and Invest, so they can grow their Money faster!

When I wrote The Ultimate Trading Newsletter initially, it was all about which stocks to Invest in..

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Which stocks to sell…

The Futures and Options to trade…

The strategy of how the Market works...

At the time, I thought this Info was Enough to earn in Stock Markets... because that’s what I used in my Investments every single day…

But something really exciting happened...

As more and more People joined, I’ve watched in fascination as Winners all around the world (across different markets and industries) took these core ideas - these MARKET FRAMEWORKS from The Ultimate Trading Newsletter - and started building on them!

Suddenly, Winners were adding their own ideas…

Their spins…

Their tweaks…

They're new angles…

...and creating NEW and different types of Ideas for Analysis!

There are cool ideas that I hadn’t even dreamed of when I first wrote The Ultimate Trading Newsletter.

It’s been so much fun to watch the innovation that has been happening!

So I went back to many of these Winners, and I asked them…

Would You Be Willing To Come Join Me,

To Show Other Ways That People are Using Ideas Outside Of The Info That I Teach Inside The Ultimate Trading Newsletter?

I honestly wasn't quite sure what to expect...

But over the next few days, responses began pouring in from members from our Ultimate Winners community!

These were not quick responses they sent back to me…

They were well thought out explanations of what made their Analysis and Prediction so special and successful…

In fact, each of them drew out their entire Analysis wireframe for me, and walked me through it, page by page.

Page 1:

here’s what I did…

Page 2:

here’s what it looks like…

And so on...

Now, I had originally thought about Charging high subscriptions to this Excellent Trading Newsletter…

But the truth is, I want as many people as possible to see these cool, unique Analyses... so that they can get a ton of insights, Ideas and build their OWN Profitable Portfolio!

And I didn’t want money to be the factor that STOPPED someone from subscribing. (Because it’s THAT important that people see these…)

So, I emailed back each and every one of the 25+ people who responded...

I Want To Give You Access

Click Here to Subscribe Now!

So...What's The Catch!?!

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I get’re probably asking yourself…

“Brother, why are you giving me this goldmine for free? What’s up your sleeve?”

Here’s why I’m doing this...

When it comes to business, nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing others succeed.

And it’s even MORE exciting and rewarding to watch others take my core Investing frameworks, and create new and different ways to be successful!

It’s my passion.

It’s one of the main reasons I created The Basics of Trading Ebook… help Winners like you achieve your goals.

To ALL Of Their Analysis 'Walk-Through' Presentations For FREE…So You Can Learn The Investing Techniques They Used That Propelled Their Success!

And I Asked Them A Crazy Question…


Would You Be Willing To Share This With Everyone…

They probably thought I had lost my mind for asking…

(But you’ll never know unless you try...right?)

I told myself that I didn’t have any major expectations (I understand that’s a big ask)...

But then one of the entrepreneurs said YES!

And then another!

If Just ONE Of These 25 Ways Gives You A New Idea, Or Cool Twist On A Trade That You Can IMPLEMENT And Propel Your Portfolio Forward…

Then you’ll quickly recognize the value you’re getting and consider using ClickFunnels to make it happen for you.

That’s my crazy motive...

That’s my thinking behind all of this.

This isn’t some ‘bait and switch’ black hat marketing tactic.

There are no strings attached.

Unlike other course creators who sell training…

I MAKE MONEY by making you successful and giving the training away.

Click Here to Subscribe Now!

So, The ONLY Catch Is This...

I Want To Make Sure You WATCH And IMPLEMENT Each Of These...

So, I’m Going To Give You A Short, 75 Hours Pass Which You Can Watch Them For FREE!

After That, They Are Gone.

That means…

Make sure to BLOCK OUT that time…

Immerse yourself in these new funnel ‘twists’ and angles...

Take loads of notes…

And then IMPLEMENT! Go out and build your own funnel, using strategies from the incredible and unique funnel presentations that you’re about to discover...


Yes, that is my “evil” motivation… to make sure you actually watch, learn and implement from the gift that these 32+ people are giving you.

Is it ok if we over deliver…? :)

So that’s it.

Nothing to buy…

The Course is totally FREE for 75 hours.

(That’s 3+ days of Learning the Course... and each Chapter of the Course will be available for 24 hours ONLY).


All YOU Have To Do Is COMMIT.


Commit to SHOW UP


Sound fair enough?

Is It Ok If We Over Deliver?


SUBSCRIBE NOW For FREE...And Get a Special Surprise!


Can’t wait to see you inside the member’s area!


Creating Winners


P.S. - If you’re here looking for a quick recap… here you go:

When you register for The Ultimate Trading Course (for free), you’ll get access to 25+ speakers who will share with you a detailed walk-through of their unique Investing FRAMEWORK that they are using to crush it in their Portfolio! They have new twists, and new angles. They’ve modified traditional Frameworks and some have invented new ones!

And when you register, I’ll include my own special presentation to show you the Framework I’ve used over and over again to Buy and Sell my Holdings and Positions PROFITABLY! (Watch for that on Day 1 of the Course!)

Click Here to Subscribe Now!

Creating Winners


